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The project “Fighting School Violence in Tanzania” (funded by the Federal Ministry für Education, Land of Lower Saxony, Germany, conducted by the Department of General Education at the University of Vechta) as a whole aims at contributing to establishing good schools in Tanzania by preventing school violence. Children and youth in Tanzania are daily confronted with a high amount of violence, bullying and sexual harassment as our studies and surveys depict.
The project consists of four parts so far:
The first one was a representative survey study with Tanzanian pupils of secondary schools in the Rulenge-Ngara region. It was aiming at depicting the situation and the amount of violence children and youth are confronted with in Tanzanian schools.
Furthermore, in step two and three of the project, measures to fight school violence, bullying and sexual harassment were first identified through a best practice analysis and then implemented and scientifically tested within schools. Therefore a manual has been developed with exercises for use in schools.
In step four, we broadened the project by asking what constitutes a good school and we made short explanatory films with school kids in Tanzania: http://www.against-violence-at-schools-in-tanzania.com/en/downloads/

We cooperate with the SAUT – University in Mwanza and the Roman Catholic Diocese of Rulenge–Ngara (Bishop Severine Niwemugizi).
You can find more information about what we do here.